People bring all kinds of issues, problems, and personal goals to therapy. Some people begin because a longstanding struggle has become urgent. Others are embarking on a new phase of life and are ready to address unresolved conflicts. Here are examples of the range of topics people have discussed in therapy with me:

  • Feeling let down by others and finding a healthy response to that feeling

  • How to take the risk to open up in relationships

  • Getting comfortable with my sexuality, sex with my partner, and my body

  • Understanding the influence of my parents without blaming them for my behavior

  • How to ask for what I want (or learn what I want)

  • Surviving and learning from the end of a relationship or a divorce

  • Feeling overwhelmed by worries and hopes for my children

  • Establishing healthy boundaries in my relationships with my extended family

  • The seduction and dangers of perfectionism

  • Living with grief and loss

  • Realizing my high professional ambitions and confronting what holds me back

  • Dealing with the hateful, hated, or rejected aspects of myself